Run Mission Critical Business Processes

Run Mission Critical Business Processes

Easily Conduct Mission Critical Business without having to pop in and out of brittle, dedicated systems.

Here are some of the mission-critical characteristics of TMail:

  • Authoritative Audit Trails: Every change to a TMail (new Comment, new Section, update Section, Batch Update) is recorded in an authoritative audit trail. This audit trail is also comprehensive, in that it records not only meta-data, but all content as well. Authoritative Audit Trails allows for a much more flexible forgiveness-over-permission approach to business processes.
  • Section Semantic Consistency: Sections proceed from one semantically consistent state to another. This is critical for mission critical content like Orders, Invoices, Contracts, Tickets, Legal Notifications, Document Signings etc. This is in specific contrast to collaborative systems built with Operational Transform technology which includes most ‘live’ collaborative editing systems like Google Docs. These systems make no guarantees of the semantic consistency of shared documents. (See Blog article ‘Unsafe at Any Speed’)
  • Multi-Section Atomic Updates: When multiple Sections are updated (including Text, Grid, Form and File Sections) they are either all updated or none update. For example, if one has an Order TMail with a Form Section for the header and Grid Section for Lines and File Section for ‘Specifications’, these can be updated and have a comment added in a single atomic update. Either all 3 sections will be updated, comment added and messages sent or none of these will occur.
  • Non-spoofable identity: Unlike EMail, identity in TMail cannot be spoofed. Specifically, this refers to the ‘ability’ in email to make the email appear to have come from any email address one wishes (even without compromising passwords etc.).
  • Certified Mail: When a TMail is sent or updated, the time/date, sender, recipient(s), subject, and tracking number are certified.
  • Certified Content: Unlike Postal Service, Fedex etc. Certified Mail, not only is the meta-data certified, but the content is also certified. This greatly increases the usefulness of certification.
  • Tamper-proof agreements: Agreements made by two parties within TMail are tamper-proof and non-repudiable. This allows TMail to be used for many kinds of agreements including contracts.
  • Guaranteed Delivery: Messages in TMail are guaranteed to be delivered to the recipient(s).
  • Certified Differences: When Smart Sections are updated, the difference between versions (if computed) is certified. So, instead of relying on the sender to provide an accurate diff, the user can rely on the system’s computed diff. Diffs may be inaccurate due to inadvertent mistakes or deliberate mis-representation on the part of the sender. Furthermore, the certified diffs are visible to all parties and hence can act as an agreed statement of change.
  • Certified Clones: TMails can be cloned. While the clone is in the drafts state (not sent yet), it can be modified. If it is not modified, it is a certified clone (and is indicate as such) of the underlying TMail. Certified Clones are very useful in workflows that involve facilitated collaboration.
  • Certified Forwards: Similar to how EMails can be forwarded, TMails can also be forwarded. In both cases, content being forwarded can be modified or deleted. In TMail, forwarded content that is modified or deleted is marked as such. The converse is that unmodified, undeleted forwards are certified to be unmodified and undeleted.
These mission critical guarantees collectively allow TMail to be used for mission-critical business processes in a way that is not possible with EMail. It also enables compliance with many compliance mandates such as Sarbanes Oxley.