Forward a TMail

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  4. Forward a TMail

Forwarding a TMail is similar to forwarding an email. TMail Forwards and Replies are almost identical operations.

See Replying to a TMail for common details.

Both Forwards and Replies are forking operations. They have some minor differences

  • Default Writer: When Replying to a C#, the writer at that c# is added as a writer in the Reply Draft. When Forwarding at a c#, no writer is added by default.
  • Prefix: When a TMail is replied to, the original subject is prefixed with “Re: “. When a TMail is being forwarded, the original subject is prefixed with “Fwd: “.
  • Forwarding at Latest: TMails can be forwarded at the ‘latest’ c# in addition to at a particular c#. When this is done, they are forwarded at the latest c#. For replying the user always has to pick a particular c# to reply to.

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