Verified and Requested Email Addresses

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For an Organization Account Type

When you use your account as Org Admin Role, you can see a list of all Users that are added to your current TMail account for your organization. (Please see The Org Admin Role for detailed instructions.) In this list, you have an option to change the Verified email address as well as Requested email address. (Please see List of Org Users for more details.)

In either case, you or the User need to verify the email address. User can continue using the TMail21 account without verifying the email address but such a User cannot avail some features that are available only for verified email address associated account holders.

Note that you can add a new Role or Person without writing any email address as well. In this case too, User can continue using the TMail21 account without verifying the email address but such a User cannot avail some features such as an option to reset lost password or to receive notifications. (Please see Add New Person and Add New Role for more details.)

When you edit a User’s details, you have an option to mention a new, requested email address. You can see that requested Email here in this column. (Please see Edit Person Details and Edit Role Details for more details.)

For an Individual Account Type

If you have an Individual Account Type, you always have an associated email address. Click on your TMail Address to see the Profile Settings tab. Either your email address is Requested or Verified. Note that if you change the Verified email address, the new email address is shown as Requested and you need to Verify it again. (Please see Verify Email Address for detailed instructions.)

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