Category Archives: Enterprise Collaboration

This section features thoughts on cutting edge collaboration for enterprises. Covers B2B, B2C, B2E (Business-to-employee) and E2E (employee-to-employee) collaboration. Covers products, ideas, best practices and trends.

Zero-code BPM is not a Myth

18 November,2015
Zero-code BPM

Zero-Code BPM

A debate has been raging in the BPM community regarding Zero-Code BPM. The question is whether business processes can be run without coding. The debate has been not about desirability (everyone agrees it is desirable) but rather about feasibility.

One of the proponents of the view that Zero Code BPM is possible is Keith Swenson. In his post Zero-Code BPM Systems he makes several points. One point is that code comes in many forms. In particular visual drag and drop is code because it requires code-like thinking. A second is that a no-code BPM system will not “look” like a BPM system. This is because BPM systems as currently conceptualized are about detailed control rather than about individuals self-organizing to perform work.

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The Multi-Billion Dollar Cost Of Communication Overload

28 October,2015
Office Workers at the Silicon Rus Headquarters. (Image by Konstantin Panphilov via Wikimedia Commons)

Office Workers at the Silicon Rus Headquarters. (Image by Konstantin Panphilov via Wikimedia Commons)

When it comes to collaboration, chat currently reigns king. Teams are constantly changing the way they communicate and collaborate internally— seemingly centered around a shared frustration towards the disconnect basic email creates. But are we losing productivity in in our quest to transition seamlessly from platform to platform, and cluttering our own internal inbox? The numbers say yes, and the cost is enormous.

It’s Monday. 8 AM. You’re en route to the office, and the push notifications start flowing in. Your team has begun a brainstorming session in the Slack chat. That 5 PM presentation deadline is lingering and you can begin to feel the heat turn up. Sometime over the weekend, you finalized this week’s report and notified the group. But oh wait, that was in Google Docs. Better let everyone know.

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How Businesses are Missing Out on One of the Most Powerful Collaboration Techniques

13 October,2015

The primary way that businesses collaborate on processes (other than specialized applications) is via a mix of EMail/Chat + document-oriented-collaboration . An example of a modern document-oriented collaboration system is Google Docs. But do businesses realize that there is a better way? It turns out there is a much more powerful collaboration technique available and it has been sitting right underneath our noses all this time.

It is a technique used by software developers on a daily basis and goes by the techie name of Source Code Management .

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Is Social the Future of Work?

18 September,2015
Social network interface businessman touch button.

With the impending release of Facebook at Work, it once again raises
the question of whether Social is the Future of Work.

Color us skeptical.

Now it seems that Facebook at Work is not just a social network
for work, but also a group chat system for work. We definitely believe that
chat has a big place in the future of work. So, the question is not
whether Facebook at Work will succeed, as much as whether the
social component of it will succeed.

Social is great for keeping up with the joneses (er bosses and
colleagues) but is that what companies primarily want out of their
productivity solutions? While it can’t hurt to know what Joe in
Marketing is up to, it could prove to be more of a distraction than
a productivity boost.

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4 Ways Email Drives Us Crazy, and What One Can Do About it.

15 September,2015

Email. In many ways, it is best defined by a love-hate relationship triangle between senders, servers and recipients. Email has transformed the way we communicate, especially in a collaborative setting. But has this love child of 90’s era Internet fallen out of date when compared to the plethora of new chat platforms and document collaboration solutions? Let’s take a closer look at some of the problems email poses, and how we’re navigating its pitfalls.


1. Attachment Anarchy

Email has become notorious for making the process of sharing documents difficult. Attachments initially provided a great solution to share and update material.However, attachments lack the ability to be updated, leaving room for confusion and disarray when updating documents via attachments. We’ve all seen it. Deep in the heart of an email thread, someone updates an OLD version of the presentation; without the updated numbers and new graphics. By this point, there’s little stopping the flood of confused and distressed emails from working their evil magic and turning a very civilized collaboration into a corporate anarchist’s dream. Hours later, someone manages to fix the issue and send out an updated version in an entirely new chain.

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Tracked Mail and Chat: A Match Made in Heaven

4 September,2015
Chat loves Tracked Mail

There are two major communication paradigms in the enterprise. These are synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous communication is typified by chat. Asynchronous communication is typified by email.

In synchronous communications both (or all) parties need to be present at the same time to be effective. Asynchronous communications are designed around both (or all parties) not needing to be present at the same time to be effective.

Historically, most electronic communication within an enterprise was conducted using email (an asynchronous communication tool). Even communication that was better done synchronously was done within email.

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