All posts by Vinish Garg

TMail Pins and TMail Pin Folders

25 January,2016

TMail Pins are private objects that reference a TMail. In contrast Messages refer to a particular Changeset within a TMail. Messages and TMail Pins are two alternative ways to view and show and organize your TMails.

There are different TMail Pin folders available in the Navigation bar. (Please see Navigation for more details.) In Navigationclick on a TMail Pin folder such as on Active to see the corresponding list of TMail Pins. Click on any TMail Pin in the list to show the corresponding TMail details on the right hand side pane.

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About the User Mailbox

21 January,2016
TMail21 Knowledgebase

The User Mailbox contains entities that are private to the user. This is in contrast to TMails which are shared entities. The User Mailbox helps you to organize your TMails, follow up on them, organize your Drafts and Response Drafts.

The User Mailbox entities are organizd in different folders and these appear in the Navigation bar, as below. (Please see Navigation for more details.) 

The main entities in the User Mailbox are TMail Pins, Messages, Tags, Drafts and Response Drafts.

TMail Pins correspond to a TMail. Messages correspond to a specific Changeset within a TMail. The figure below illustrates these relationships

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Forward a TMail

20 January,2016

Forwarding a TMail is similar to forwarding an email. TMail Forwards and Replies are almost identical operations.

See Replying to a TMail for common details.

Both Forwards and Replies are forking operations. They have some minor differences

  • Default Writer: When Replying to a C#, the writer at that c# is added as a writer in the Reply Draft. When Forwarding at a c#, no writer is added by default.
  • Prefix: When a TMail is replied to, the original subject is prefixed with “Re: “. When a TMail is being forwarded, the original subject is prefixed with “Fwd: “.
  • Forwarding at Latest: TMails can be forwarded at the ‘latest’ c# in addition to at a particular c#. When this is done, they are forwarded at the latest c#. For replying the user always has to pick a particular c# to reply to.

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Create a Certified Clone

20 January,2016

Certified Clones are identical to normal TMail Clones with one important difference. When you click on the Clone button on a TMail, the system creates a draft of a new TMail with the identical Sections of the parent TMail. If these Sections are not modified before sending, this creates a Certified Clone.

A Certified Clone has identical Sections at C#1 as the original TMail, not just in the draft state. In a Certified Clone, the associated Writers can see the Tracking Number and C# of the Original TMail that you select to create a Clone.

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TMail: Core Concept With Example

13 January,2016
TMail21 Knowledgebase

You can see following few articles to gain basic understanding of terms and the whole concept of TMail. Once you get an overview, this article helps you understand the core concept, with an example.

Recommended articles as a Pre-requisite:

An Example

Consider an example TMail Sales Cycle with Acme Corp, is being exchanged among three Writers – Ron Smith, Kevin Jones, and Jill Brady. The following diagram shows the high-level relationship between TMail, TMail Changesets, TMail Pins, and Messages.


  • Every change to a TMail results in a TMail Changeset.
  • TMail Changesets are sequentially numbered
  • A TMail is an object shared by all the associated Users (Writers).
  • When a User is first added to a TMail, a corresponding private TMail Pin is automatically created for the User.
  • For every TMail Changeset, a Message is sent to all Users who are the associated Writers when a Changeset is created.

In this example:

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View Section History

7 January,2016
TMail21 Knowledgebase

You can use the Section History view of a Section to see the full audit trail of a Section.

In Navigation, select the Message or TMail Pin where you want to see Section History for an associated Section. For example, you can select a Message in Inbox folder, or a TMail Pin in TMail Pins | Recent. (Please see Navigation for more details.)

Click on the Sections tab, and a list of sections appears. Locate the target section, and click on the Section History icon available in the small toolbar, as below.

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Verified and Requested Email Addresses

7 January,2016

For an Organization Account Type

When you use your account as Org Admin Role, you can see a list of all Users that are added to your current TMail account for your organization. (Please see The Org Admin Role for detailed instructions.) In this list, you have an option to change the Verified email address as well as Requested email address. (Please see List of Org Users for more details.)

In either case, you or the User need to verify the email address. User can continue using the TMail21 account without verifying the email address but such a User cannot avail some features that are available only for verified email address associated account holders.

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Reset Password

6 January,2016
TMail21 Knowledgebase

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the Sign In page as shown below.

Click on Forgot password link. The Reset Password page appears, as shown below.

Enter the TMail address for which you want to recover the lost Password.

Note: You cannot Reset your Password if your TMail account is not associated with a verified email address. If you are an Organization user you can contact your Organization Administrator to share the Reset Password link for your TMail account.

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Login and Logout

6 January,2016
TMail21 Knowledgebase

To see the Sign In form for TMail21, visit Click on the Sign In option available in the Navigation, as shown below.

The Sign In form appears.

Enter the TMail Address and Password in respective fields. Click on Sign In button to Login.

If you currently already logged in to TMail21 and go to the Sign In page you will see

In this example, David Brown is associated with multiple Roles. So, he has an option to go to the Mailbox of any of these Roles. (Please see Switch Roles for more details.). If there is no Role associated with your account, you will not see this page. Instead you will automatically be redirected to your Mailbox.

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